"I never diet. I smoke. I drink now and then. I never work out.”
– Naomi Campbell (best runway model ever)

You have seen the shirts ‘don’t feed the models’, read the rumours and for Kate nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, so what is true?
The carb free world of modeling is allegedly replaced with the 3 ‘C’s - caffeine, cigarettes and cocaine... but the one ‘C’ that is perhaps the most bizarre is cotton wool balls. Yes if you have heard the claims, it is true that some models out there soak cotton wool balls in water and swallow them to fill their stomachs. Nothing is absorbed, no weight is gained and the hunger pains are kept at bay.
Unfortunately for me I have always possessed a healthy appetite, so cotton wool balls could never cut it for me.
The irony of one Sydney fashion week sponsorship was not lost on me. A Tiger Lily swimwear fashion parade that I appeared in was sponsored by Haagen Dasz. Well that is just cruel. A fridge full of ice cream behind the curtains and an audience full of judgmental fashionista's on the other side!
It's not all celery sticks, carrot juice and colonics though. There are Wednesday nights out (the unofficial Model Saturday) and sugary afternoon snacks on set.
The model diet is not so contrived as one might expect. The model repast of lettuce leaves is a fallacy. I guess at the end of the day it all comes down to moderation. Like most aspects of life.